Sustainability focus 2020
We are excited to share this year’s Sustainability Focus (Hållbarhetsfokus 2020 in Swedish). It is the second issue of our annual report, identifying current sustainability challenges and trends that Swedish companies are facing.
Read the full report here
Sustainable business? Yes, but not yet.
The responding companies believe sustainability will be a more integrated part of their business (in five years) than in last year’s report. Yet their rankings are unchanged from last year. This shows a growing gap between vision and action.

Owners and investors demand sustainability
90% of the respondents believe that demands from owners and investors have a major impact on their companies’ sustainability work. Last year’s figure was 69%.

Political decisions drive sustainable development
The main driving force behind global sustainable development is considered to be political decisions. And public opinion and Generation Z are rated higher than EU, media reporting and the United Nations.

The strategic work with sustainability has already begun
Half of the respondents have defined goals for their sustainability work and their challenges mapped out. For 7 out of 10 sustainability is a part of their vision.

6 out of 10 consider sustainability as a central part of their general communication
More than half of the responding companies communicate their sustainability work continuously – both internally and externally. 50% uses their webpage and corporate sustainability report to spread it. And for 61% sustainability is a major topic in their overall communication.
Lastly, a big thank you to Marie Renberg and Anna Norrman, students at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet), who created the basis of the report together with us. Great work!